Helpful Resources
Earthquakes Canada
Information on recent earthquake activity in Canada and around the world.
Emergency preparedness information provided by British Columbia for earthquakes and other types of emergencies.
City of Vancouver Emergency Response
Emergency preparedness information specific to the Vancouver area.
City of Victoria Emergency Response
Emergency preparedness information specific to the Victoria area.
Cascadia Region Earthquake Workgroup
The Cascadia Region Earthquake Workgroup (CREW) is a coalition of private and public representatives working together to improve the ability of Cascadia Region communities to reduce the effects of earthquake events.
Canada's Earthquakes and Tsunamis (CBC Archives)
A group of video and radio clips focused on Earthquakes and Tsunamis spanning the years 1964 - 2005.
USGS - U.S. Geological Survey
Your source for science you can use as an unbiased, multi-disciplinary science organization that focuses on biology, geography, geology, geospatial information, and water, we are dedicated to the timely, relevant, and impartial study of the landscape, our natural resources, and the natural hazards that threaten us.
Earthquake Kits from Total Prepare
Earthquake Kits that cover all your needs for the 8 areas of preparedness. Grab & Go 72 hour kits, 1 week and 2 week kits that prepare you so you feel safe and secure!